About us
The Fund promotes secondary usage, recycling, customization and cloth upcycling, due to overflow of garments.
This helps not only to those people, who are in need, but also helps to protect nature by reducing emission and pollution on the Planet. “Teplo” - is more than just a charity, it is a movement for a sustainable future and social impact.
In May 2023, the company installed 30 electronic kiosks at workplaces at the central office. The initiatives raised a total
of 230 million won ($174,176), which was donated to children in need. Samsung Electronics employees provide intensive support to 20 disadvantaged children throughout the month, through kiosks currently located at 14 subsidiaries,
including - Samsung Display, Samsung Electro-Mechanics, Samsung Life, Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance, Samsung Securities and Samsung Biologics. In total of 89 charity kiosks from Samsung Electronics and its subsidiaries
have been installed and operated.
The City that is located in a seismic zone, this topic is always a good source of information. Our proposal is dedicated
to the distribution of an “Alarm hangbags” in collaboration between the Samsung company and the Teplo Fund.
We are offering a several options of an “Alarm handbags”
The mechanics of the process
How it's work
Using our resources, we are making several videos that encourage people to participate in a charity and bring clothes
to the “Teplo” boxes. All this happens with the full support of Samsung company.
The Task
Participants have to make a short video about how they bring garments and belongings to specialized clothing collection boxes. After this, they need to tag the Samsung and “Teplo” Instagram Accounts.
Prize drawing
All Participants, who did all actions mentioned before in a correct way, will receive a Branded Hanbags with the Samsung logo as a gift and have the opportunity to take part in the “Main Prize Drawing.”
The Main Prize drawing - is Samsung phones! The Phones will go to the first  three winners.
In order to take part in the Main Prize Draw, all the Participants must be subscribed to the Samsung and “Teplo” accounts and make a tags in their Instagram stories. After the main promotion will be announced, the whole drawing process will take place a 1 month.

The Handbags will be issued to the Participants after the Teplo managers verifies them and confirms a receipt.
The phones will be awarded after a Public Main Prize drawing via Live on Instagram.
Process mechanics
The entire operational process, specifically: production of handbags, content production, advertising and application process of all participants, a drawing holding and main prizes awarding – will be undertaken by Teplo Fund Team.
The Samsung Company from their side, will provide a support in a form of 3 mobile phones and financial coverage
of expenses, such ad handbags production and other overhead expenses.
What kind of benefits Samsung side will gain?
The Teplo Fund has a very good reputation in a Kazakhstani market and inspires great confidence among the clients.
We will organize the traffic flow and citations, also we will create a good positive informational background around Samsung and it’s products.
A positive advertising campaign
Samsung will be able to position itself as a company that supports social initiatives and ESG, by supporting one of the most positively known and respected Funds in Kazakhstan. We will provide all the necessary reports on the campaign, all the figures in a convenient form for you.
This is not just a regular spoof, this is - an entire cultural page of Almaty city, as part of a charity campaign, due to that all collected clothes and garments will go to people in need. Also, an “Alarm handbags” are an excellent source of information
and a prize drawing of Samsung phones - will gain a kind and positive feedback, which will have a great impact on a Samsung company’s image.
Contact us for any inquiries:

+7 705 981 3080
+7 705 981 30 80
Contact us for any inquiries:
How to reach us:
We are located on the 4th floor of Esentai Mall, right aisle.